Bob Rosenberg, San Jose, CA
Photography & Video: In just the last couple of years, I've become very interested in these two art forms. I've taken several online classes in many related areas, including Digital Camera Mastery, iPhone photography, as well as photo and video editing using Photoshop, Lightroom, and iMovie.
Drones: I originally wanted to learn to fly remote control aircraft so I purchased a DJI Mavic drone. I soon found that this model drone nearly flies itself, plus it takes amazing photos and videos. I gradually became more interested in using the drone for imaging. Recently, I also purchased a Tello drone, which works better for indoor flying and images.
Horses: I first rode horses as a young boy, renting a horse whenever I could save up the $3 that would get me an hour ride on one. Decades later, while working at Stanford, a friend told me of a lady who had some horses to lease near campus. After leasing for a bit, I bought my own horse and now ride nearly every day.